Book & Course Studies

Blended Learning In Action - Catlin Tucker ($25 - $29)

Why should I read it? Blended Learning in Action contains many practical examples for teachers and school leaders who want to get started with Blended Learning. Written by Catlin Tucker, a former 9-12 English teacher, this book contains chapters on culture, digital resources, blended learning models, and much more.

How to Create Higher Performing, Happier Classrooms in Seven Moves - Heather Staker (free)

Why should I read it? This playbook shares the findings of 3 former K-12 teachers who researched what K–12 schools can learn from the best-run organizations in America. Can classroom teachers use similar strategies to improve their students’ happiness and performance, not to mention their graduates’ readiness to work in America’s top organizations someday?

Personalized Learning Playbook - Anthony Kim (free)

Why should I read it? This playbook describes the why, and the why now, behind the shift in classroom instruction to personalized learning. The playbook parts include 1) What is Personalized Learning and Why Does it Matter?, 2) What is the Role of Technology and Why Does it Help, and 3) What is Whole School Design and Why is it so Important?

Developing Responsible and Autonomous Learners: A Key to Motivating Students

This online teacher module from the American Psychological Association explores holistic nature of individual student learning and the most effective practices for helping them develop into autonomous and responsible learners. It offers related insights from:

  • Cognitive neuroscience, including recent brain study findings.
  • Inquiry-based learning approaches.
  • Blended learning with instructional technology, gaming and digital learning research