Early Learning



  • Guide students through the process of reflection.
  • Provide individual feedback so that students can progress monitor & build relationships with teachers.
  • Experiment with allowing students some choice in selection of time, pace, path & place.


  • Students or classes are in flexible groupings according to need.
  • Create spaces or opportunities for whole, group, small group, & individual instruction.
  • Experiment with flexible use of time based on students’ needs.


  • Mindset is open to changing instructional practices
  • Uses data to design lessons that support students’ instructional needs
  • Experiments with at least one blended learning model (flipped, station rotation, etc.)
  • Collaborates with others to reflect on new instructional practice


  • Selects 1-2 digital tools aligned to content to meet student needs & learning objectives.
  • Establishes instructional routines & expectations for students to engage with content & digital tools.


What Blended Learning Looks Like in Kindergarten - Getting Smart

Barbara Gosset, Kindergarten teacher at Woodlawn Elementary (Lawrence Public Schools), is highlighted in this article on the Getting Smart website. Ms. Gosset set up different stations, allowing them to work as self guided groups or independently throughout their math lessons. Note the improvement in collaboration and engagement in the article.

Student Agency: The Heart of Personalized Learning

This article by Dr. Sebastian Cognetta talks about the need to encourage student agency (ownership) through personalized (blended) learning by using student choice and reflection.


Grade 1 Blended Learning

Notice the station rotation structure in Arlene Low's first grade classroom. She organizes her stations using her presentation station. She includes self-guided student checklists, a teacher time station, work time station, show time station, and a tech time station. She also has "The Pit" for class transition and check in!

Blended Learning Stations and Management

In this video, Cajon Valley Union School District elementary teachers give very specific and practical tips for managing stations.

1st Grade Blended Learning - Teacher Explanation

Janet Deal, first grade teacher in Deal Naranca Elementary (Cajon Valley USD, California), goes through her daily schedule to show you how she uses blended learning in her classroom.

Setting Up Your Blended Learning Classroom

Cassandra Muzzey, 2nd grade teacher in Saint Anne's School in Santa Monica, California, shows some very practical suggestions for managing a blended learning classroom.


Blended Learning for Early Learners

In this article from the National Association of Elementary Principals, the authors explore the benefits of Blended Learning for kindergarten students. The article contains sections on Individualized Instruction, Data Collection, Boosting Engagement, and Takeaways for Principals.

Blended Learning in 2nd Grade

Leigh Ellen Ray, 2nd grade teacher at Seward Elementary in Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, Alaska, shows how blended learning has transformed her classroom.


Great practical tips for helping young learners use technology in the classroom.

  1. Use software that is age-appropriate.
  2. Use tech as a tool instead of a supplement.
  3. Start small and allow for exploration.
  4. Have extra adult support for troubleshooting.
  5. Use screencasts to give visual instructions to new software.
  6. Keep logins simple and accessible to students.
  7. Scaffold instructions for independence with software.
  8. Let them struggle (and problem-solve).
  9. Individualize instruction to build independence in thinking/learning.
  10. Allow for creativity and collaboration.
  11. Integrate technology regularly and in a variety of ways.

Blended Learning In Action (4:05)

This video shows great station rotation (center) management for early learners. Notice the different stations and how they are organized.

Compass Learning Sticker Charts

Shelly Reid, first grade teacher at Mission Delores Academy, shows how she created an incentive chart to map student progress in Compass Learning.