Blending 101

What is Blended Learning?

  • Watch the video together.
  • Discussion Questions:
    • How is blended learning being implemented in these classrooms?
    • According to the video, what are some of the benefits of blended learning?
    • How is technology being used in these classrooms?
  • Reflection:
    • What parts of this video (if any) resonated with you? Why?
    • What challenges to do think you will face when you try Blended Learning (or a new model in Blended Learning?

Using Blended Learning in the Classroom

  • Watch the video together.
  • Discussion Questions:
    • Why do you think Daniel Walsh, teacher, said that "Blended Learning is like a video game where you unlock a level and move at your own pace"? (1:23)
    • What do students who need additional support do? (2:15)
    • Lauren Danielson, teacher, talked about data tracking and grouping. What does blended learning facilitate for her? Do you think that would be helpful in your classroom? (2:47)
    • Sometimes Blended Learning is thought of as only using technology. What do these teachers also do in their classrooms? (3:10)
  • Reflection:
    • How do you differentiate for your students?
    • Blended learning is about shifting time, place, path, and/or place. What do you think you would like to try to shift?