Innovative Instruction


  • Mindset is open to changing instructional practices
  • Uses data to design lessons that support students’ instructional needs
  • Experiments with at least one blended learning model (flipped, station rotation, etc.)
  • Collaborates with others to reflect on new instructional practice

Deepening Differentiation and Personalization

How do I deepen Differentiation and Personalization within a Station Rotation Model?

Read this article from Learning Accelerator and watch one video in each section prior to PLC meeting.

Meeting Activity

Materials needed: 3 sheets of chart paper (labeled Flexibility, Data, and Grouping), marker/pens, Post-it notes in 2 different colors

Have each person fill out Post-it Notes for each section - Flexibility, Data, and Grouping. Post them on the appropriate piece of chart paper.

  • One color Post-it Note: what you learned
  • 2nd color Post-it Note: questions you have

Review the Post-it Notes as a group.

How Urban Meyer Took the Buckeyes to School

Read the article "How Urban Meyer Took The Buckeyes to School"

Check for Understanding

Re-Imaging Classrooms: Teachers as Learner and Students as Leaders

Re-imaging Classrooms: Teachers as Learners and Students as Leaders

In this TEDTalk, Kayla Desler, a 2nd grade teacher in West Fargo, North Dakota, talks about how to look at traditional classrooms differently. Listen for these key points:

  • Release the power
  • Embrace purposeful technology
  • Don't feed the fears

Have one person on your team create a Google Doc and share it with your team. Add comments to the Doc as you listen to the video together.

Group Discussion:

  • What resonated with you?
  • Was there something you disagreed with? If so, what was it? Why do you disagree?
  • Did you find an idea that you want to take back to your classroom?