High School



  • Guide students through the process of reflection.
  • Provide individual feedback so that students can progress monitor & build relationships with teachers.
  • Experiment with allowing students some choice in selection of time, pace, path & place.


  • Students or classes are in flexible groupings according to need.
  • Create spaces or opportunities for whole, group, small group, & individual instruction.
  • Experiment with flexible use of time based on students’ needs.


  • Mindset is open to changing instructional practices
  • Uses data to design lessons that support students’ instructional needs
  • Experiments with at least one blended learning model (flipped, station rotation, etc.)
  • Collaborates with others to reflect on new instructional practice


  • Selects 1-2 digital tools aligned to content to meet student needs & learning objectives.
  • Establishes instructional routines & expectations for students to engage with content & digital tools.


Graduated Student Autonomy

This article about Bronx Arena Alternative High School (New York City), talks about consistent learning structures that shift from teacher-led to student-led as students gain ownership of their learning

Student-Centered Learning: Building Agency and Engagement

Teachers and students at Francis T. Maloney High School in Connecticut share how to building student agency. Topics include student grouping, collaborative work, student choice, depth of knowledge, and authentic tasks.


Interactive Playlists

Steve Morris, a Staff Development Specialist for Riverside Unified School District in California, shows how to use different DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels of learning to ensure rigor in your playlists. The link above (Interactive Playlists) is a link to some sample playlists on Steve's Google site.

At This High School, the Schedule is Flexible

In this CNN article, students and staff at Huntley High School in Chicago talk about the advantages of using blended learning,


Innovation at the Secondary Level: 5 Misconceptions

This Education Elements articles outlines 5 misconceptions in secondary classrooms:

  1. Subjects must be taught seperately
  2. Small group instruction is for elementary schools
  3. The teacher's primary objective is delivering content
  4. Student need lecture, lots of note-taking, and homework to get ready for college
  5. There is not enough time to be innovative

Blending Learning with Station Rotation (Part 1)

Catlin Tucker, high school English teacher, talks about the reasons for using station rotation in her high school English class. She gives the details of how she sets up her 1st and 2nd ELA stations (Station 1: Writing Instruction, Station 2: Grammar Instruction).

Blending Learning with Station Rotation (Part 2)

Catlin Tucker, high school English teacher, the details of how she sets up her 3rd and 4th ELA stations (Station 3: In-Class Reading, Station 4: Reading Instruction).


Building a Culture of Educational Responsibility and Ownership Through Blended Learning

In this Schoology Exchange article, ESL instructor Rebekah Palmer gives examples of how Schoology can be used to:

  • Set Learning Goals
  • See the Process of Autonomous Learning
  • Meet Academic Expectations
  • Be Responsible for Required Learning
  • Go Beyond Required Learning
  • Empower Students to Help Each Other

Blended Learning Energizes High School Math Students

High school teachers at Oakland Unity High School talk about how they use Khan Academy to help students who have gaps in math. The teachers talk about how the the immediate feedback encourages student ownership and higher test scores.