G'Suite 4 Me!

Teacher Agency Experience

The Idea:

The G'Suite for Me! Experience allows you to work with fellow Blended Learning teachers in a team environment to hone your craft and enrich your classroom. You will be matched with Temple teachers who have experience with Blended Learning and G'Suite tools to form a Jump Team. The Jump Teams are flexible and designed to serve your needs.

The beauty of Blended Learning is that the learner is in control of the time, pace, path and place. If you choose one of the G'Suite components for your Discovery phase, we recommend you allow yourself at least 3 weeks to use the tactic. This allows you to evaluate if this tactic will work with your students and your content. If you decide to abandon it, you still have time in the grading period to pick another.

The Process:

  • Select a theme for your learning. Theme ideas could include communication, assessment, enrichment, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.
  • Set goals. Research how you will meet those goals.
  • Commit to monthly meetings with fellow explorers: online or in-person.
  • Test it out! What did you learn in the classroom - your students should be explorers, too!
  • Celebrate your successes and failures as opportunities to learn!

The Timeline:

Monthly check-ins will occur for informational meetings, questions, requests for support, and encouragement toward the final Agency Demonstration. The monthly check-in agendas and dates will be determined by the Jump Team and could be face-to face or asynchronous if necessary.

  • December check-in will include more detailed planning for the spring learning Demonstration.
  • April check-in includes final preparation for the learning Demonstration.
  • Teachers may explore recommended platforms for final Demonstrations with the links below.

The Time Commitment:

In support of the professional learning, the district will provide 1 hour (called the Agency Hour) every month for learning, reflection and growth. The Agency Demonstration will reflect the significant time spent and the value placed on the endeavor. Only content agreed upon will be made public. The campus Instructional Technology Specialist will make every effort to assist the teachers’ learning attempts, and be consistently available for the Agency Hour.

The Success Criteria:

As a teacher involved in the G'Suite and Me!, I agree to take part in order to learn about the art of teaching and to share my products with my students and peers. I will check in monthly with my Instructional Technology Specialist, but each teacher determines whether success has been achieved!

As a Blended Learning Explorer, I understand that this project will not replace all district training, and I will use the provided communication tools to record my reflections or ask questions.

Possible Learning Topics

G'Suite for Me Monthly Check-In

G'Suite for Me Reflections

If you prefer a Flipgrid: Flipgrid (DiscoverBL)

Paper-based: share with your ITS

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to Try?

Please fill out the form on the left and you will be contacted very soon! Our first Round begins September 17th.

Looking forward to hearing from you!